Sunday, 22.12.2024, 10:41 AM


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In School Projects [3]
The projects that the Centennial Collegiate Environmental Club has done in school.
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Projects and Data

Main » Projects and Data » In School Projects

25.12.2010, 7:00 PM
After The Experiment:
  We had huge sucess during this experiment. People recycled. We didn't gather any data though as there was too little to gather from. People seemed to be comming only for the candy and not for the benefit of the envirionment. We would like to ask you: how can we improve on this problem?
  Thank you,
The Environmental Club at Centennial Collegiate
Before the Experiment:
  We will be condcting an experiment on how much people like to recycle. We want to find out if people do it for the enviroments good or only for their own convinience.
  On February 2rd we will set up a booth in the comons, stand over the recycling and compost bins and to everyone that recycles we will give a special prize.
  On February 9th we will set up the same booth and watch over it, but there will no longer be any prizes.
  On February 16th we will set up a booth and leave it there alone for the whole lunch hour.
  From these experiments we hope to find out how much compost we generate, how much recyclable materials, and also if people recycle for the enviroments good. The data can latter be found on the website.
Added by: Vlad |
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